Science Meets Parliament
Are you interested in learning more about science policy, policy making and representing our sector in Canberra? You might like to participate in Science & Technology Australia’s upcoming Science Meets Parliament (SmP) program.
This involves two parts: 1) 3-day online professional development (7-9 March) and 2) in-person one-day visit to Parliament House in Canberra (22 March) where you will undertake additional professional development sessions, attend at Question Time, National Press Club Address and National Gala Dinner in the Great Hall at Parliament House.
ASSCR is providing $500 to support two of our members to build skills in this area, and importantly to represent ASSCR and our sector at this exciting event. If you are interested, please write to outlining why you would like to attend and confirming that you have support and funding from your employer to attend all components including the remaining costs to cover accommodation, flights and registration. Note that registration alone is $1400. Timelines are tight with applications due by 24 February 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by 27 February.