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Science Meets Parliament 2024 Blog

By November 7, 2024No Comments

In late March 2024, I had the great pleasure of representing the Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) and the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) at Science Meets Parliament 2024 (SMP2024).

SMP2024 is a yearly networking and training event run by Science & Technology Australia (STA) that gives unrivalled opportunities for scientists of all disciplines to discuss science policy, gain access to federal parliamentarians and public servants, and learn how to communicate their science in the national interest.

The busy two days featured panels packed with excellent speakers, including Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley, Professor Emma Johnston AO, Nobel laureate Professor Brian Schmidt AC, independent parliamentarians Allegra Spender MP and Senator David Pocock, and ABC weatherman and science communicator Nate Byrne. Topics covered included strategies for getting media attention for scientific advancements, the role of policy advisors in informing ministerial decisions, and the importance of elevating First Nations scientific knowledge.

Attendees were also treated to a National Press Club address from STA president Professor Sharath Sriram, who comprehensively laid out the case for increased investment in Australian science, and warned of the severe consequences of inaction.

SMP2024 also provided opportunities for every delegate to meet with a parliamentarian. I had the pleasure of meeting with WA MP Sam Lim, who showed great interest in Australian stem cell research, as well as microscopy technologies and applications.

Overall, this was a highly special experience that I would urge anyone interested to apply for. This was doubly special for me as I have a great interest in Australian politics, so spending time in Parliament House was very enjoyable.


The Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR)

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